Do you ever miss Skype? I know it was kind of terrible but there was a cohesiveness to it that is missing on Discord. Too much jumping around. Everybody should just stay in one place!
Why is every local cafe closed at 4 PM? I would kill for a late night tea shop or something like that. Anything that isn't a bar basically. There's nowhere to go around here.
I love to walk through the ruins of industry. There's something beautiful about plant life growing throughout a rusted old factory...
At some point I will figure out how to finish projects…
Have you noticed that foxes are getting more friendly? I like seeing them, but I'm also concerned. They can be very nervous animals.
Sometimes I wish we didn't have complex language and could just make noises at each other
Being an introvert is a curse
I can't imagine childhood without a forest to play in. Where would all the good memories be?
Sometimes I wonder what I could have accomplished with my life if I had enough energy to get through the day
Been working on a game demo for my site, hopefully the javascript works
Trying to switch from coffee to green tea, it might be a bit healthier for me
I feel like a shell of a person
What is it like to have real desires? Everything I do is deliberate right now because I don't have a real drive
Brain fog hours